Meat In My Freezer and that Tricky Scale

Plenty of Meat and No Desire to Eat It!

But first, let’s talk about the scale…

I peeked at the Scale today

I splurged (if you can call it that) yesterday Weigh In Day with Pizza last night; 1/3 of a cheese Brick Oven Red Baron Pizza (so lots of crust) with mushrooms and pepperoni added by me. Then I finally cracked open that See’s Candy that was delivered on Monday and let myself have 3 small pieces and boy were the delicious! It’s amazing how much better things like that taste when you no longer eat them daily.

I couldn’t help but see what “damage” my splurge did, but the scale went down! 184.4 today, nearly a pound less than yesterday.

But, I won’t be fooled! I am back on plan again today! This could easily turn into a gain if I am not careful!

Now, What to Do with all that Meat?

My freezer is full of healthy foods and meatless meats, however I still have chicken, ground beef, sausage, bacon, hotdogs, steak, and many other meats in my freezer. There’s too many meals worth to just throw away, especially these days when the wolf is constantly at the door.

Honestly though, I don’t desire it at all. I had a burger last week, and felt icky. I ate KFC a few days ago, and it was just OK. I threw away more than half of it. Even today, I made a veggie scramble and the old me would have cooked some bacon on the side. Nope, not today. I thought about it, but decided I really didn’t want it, not even a little bit. I even picked off the pepperoni from my pizza last night.

Some of those meats in my freezer I will cook up for the cats I am sure. The hot dogs I can give back to my parents (it’s the brand we like from Buffalo), but most of it will sit waiting for the day I decide I might like to eat them.

SO, those items may be taking up space in my tiny freezer for a very long time…

IRIS G, who was my best friend in LA, you finally rubbed off on me!

Now  I need a new fridge with a better freezer, but that’s a Blog for another day!



Veggie Scramble – this is one of my favorite things to make, even for dinner

2 eggs (get FREE RANGE eggs please!)

1/2 cup veggies (mushrooms, yellow squash, diced cherry tomatoes, shredded carrots)

1/2 slice white American cheese melted on top

1/3rd of a full size plain bagel with 2 tsp butter

black coffee


1 grapefruit


My version of Chinese Mandarin Chick’n salad

Romaine, shredded cabbage, cherry tomatoes, shredded carrots, cucumbers

1 spear fresh pineapple

1/4 cup chick peas

1/4 cup cashews

2 T crunchy chow mein noodles

6 piece Gardein Mandarin Chick’n


1 Pure Protein Power Bar

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