An Interview, a Day Off and Banana Pancakes

The Wildest – Article Interview

Today, Linda and I are being interviewed with another article, this time for a website called The Wildest. The website is about “We’re your guide to all the weird and wonderful parts of having a pet, with free tools, tailored tips, and product picks,” so we’re excited to be included.

A Day Off – Spa Day?

Today is also a day off from behavior sessions, so I’ll be in a mad dash to get some things done around the house. It’s so gorgeous outside that I am tempted to put all other chores aside and open up my outdoor Spa! It might be a tad early, but getting it ready takes a day anyway before it can be used.

Kodiak Cakes Banana Pancakes

I made a recipe from the Kodiak website using their pancake mix for Banana Pancakes. I doubles te 4-pancake recipe so I’d have a few breakfast’s worth to freeze. The recipe ended up making 10 not 8, and probably I could have made 12 if I made each a little smaller. The recipe says 1 pancake is 101 calories, but I substituted half water for milk, but since it made more than the number it was supposed to, I think it evened out calorie wise. I’m not counting calories anyway…

These are delicious, low in sugar, and high in protein. One thing I would suggest, when you first mix the batter, let it rest a few minutes before using it. After the first 2 pancakes were made,I noticed the rest of the batter in the bowl expanded a bit with some air holes. The other 8 pancakes were a lot fluffier looking as they cooked.

Here is the recipe: Kodiak Banana Pancakes

Hope’s Vet Visit Yesterday

As for yesterday’s vet visit with Hope kitty, there are no masses or anything else that might indicate a situation like cancer, thank heaven. The bloodwork comes back tomorrow. My money’s on Thyroid. I’ve see it too many times to not recognize it.



2 Kodiak Banana Pancakes

2 T apple butter

1/2 cup mixed fruit

1/2 cup cottage cheese

1 T sliced almonds

black coffee


Strawberry Power Crunch Bar

Dinner – chicken soft tacos

3 oz chicken breast cooked with jalapenos

Labanderita Carb Control Tortillas

1/4 cup shredded cheese

topped with lettuce and tomato

1 T Ortega Mild taco sauce


small Gala apple

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